Portal de Informação Empresarial do IRN

Estatísticas Oficiais sobre a atividade empresarial

Estatísticas Oficiais sobre a atividade empresarial


Rede Hidrometeorológica dos Açores

Excelente site com dados hidrometereológicos

Excelente site com dados hidrometereológicos

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Repository of data sets

Alguns conjuntos de dados, apenas as pastas com descrições têm dados

Alguns conjuntos de dados, apenas as pastas com descrições têm dados


Various bioinformatics datasets converted to ARFF by Jesús S. Aguilar-Ruiz and BioInformatics Group Seville (BIGS)


Datasets of Data And Story Library, project illustrating use of basic statistic methods, converted to arff format by Hakan Kjellerstrand…


Miscellaneous datasets from different sources. See also collections of data: UCI, StatLib, KDD Cup, PROMISE and others, located in separate…


Example implementations of algorithms that can be tested with TunedTester.


Resources of the data mining contest associated with IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM)


Data sets from PROMISE (PRedictOr Models In Software Engineering) repository of empirical software engineering data (http://promisedata.org/)…


Datasets from UCI Machine Learning Repository. Please refer to that site for more information.

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Stanford Large Network Dataset Collection

Bom site com dados para ARS

Bom site com dados para ARS

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Data Preservation Alliance for the Social Sciences (Data-PASS)

dados de inquéritos essencialmente

dados de inquéritos essencialmente

The Data Preservation Alliance for the Social Sciences (Data-PASS) is a voluntary partnership of organizations created to archive, catalog and preserve data used for social science research. Examples of social science data include: opinion polls; voting records; surveys on family growth and income; social network data; government statistics and indices; and GIS data measuring human activity.


KDD Cup Center

Annual Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery competition with Data

Annual Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery competition with Data

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Time Series Data Library

dados para séries

dados para séries

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Linear Regression Datasets

dados para regressão linear

dados para regressão linear

Site com dados para teste de algoritmos de regressão.


Google labs Books Ngram data sets

Books Ngram Viewer

Books Ngram Viewer

Here are the datasets backing the Google Books Ngram Viewer. These datasets were generated in July 2009; we will update these datasets as our book scanning continues, and the updated versions will have distinct and persistent version identifiers (20090715 for the current set).

Datasets for Data Mining – Univ. Edinburgh

Datasets for Data Mining

This page contains a list of datasets that were selected for the projects for Data Mining and Exploration. Students can choose one of these datasets to work on, or can propose data of their own choice. At the bottom of this page, you will find some examples of datasets which we judged as inappropriate for the projects.
