CHANCE data sets

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Dados para utilizar em trabalhos…

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NASA PCoE Datasets

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12 tabelas de dados q podem ser úteis
PCoE Datasets


The Prognostics Data Repository is a collection of data sets that have been donated by various universities, agencies, or companies. The data repository focuses exclusively on prognostic data sets, i.e., data sets that can be used for development of prognostic algorithms. Mostly these are time series of data from some nominal state to a failed state. The collection of data in this repository is an ongoing process.

Publications making use of databases obtained from this repository are requested to acknowledge both the assistance received by using this repository and the donators of the data. This will help others to obtain the same data sets and replicate your experiments. It also provides credit to the donators.

Users employ the data at their own risk. Neither NASA nor the donators of the data sets assume any liability for the use of the data or any system developed using the data.

If you have suggestions concerning the repository send email to kai.goebel [at] Thank you and please come again.


[Algae Raceway Data Set] [CFRP Composites Data Set] [Milling Data Set ] [Bearing Data Set] [Battery Data Set] [Turbofan Engine Degradation Simulation Data Set] [PHM08 Challenge Data Set] [IGBT Accelerated Aging Sata Set] [Trebuchet Data Set] [FEMTO Bearing Data Set] [Randomized Battery Usage Data Set] [Capacitor Electrical Stress Data Set]

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Linking Open Data cloud diagram

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O maravilhoso mundo dos dados abertos e ligados

This web page is the home of the LOD cloud diagram. This image shows datasets that have been published in Linked Data format, by contributors to the Linking Open Data community project and other individuals and organisations. It is based on metadata collected and curated by contributors to the Data Hub as well as on metadata extracted from a crawl of the Linked Data web conducted in April 2014. Clicking the image will take you to an image map, where each dataset is a hyperlink to its homepage.

The diagram is maintained by Richard Cyganiak (Insight Centre for Data Analytics at NUI Galway) and Anja Jentzsch (HPI). For any questions and comments, please email and


NACJD – The Source for Crime and Justice Data

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Uma fonte de dados sobre a justiça norte-americana

Data Resource Guides


Resultados do census de 2011

Resultados do censos de 2011

Resultados do censos de 2011

A maior fonte de informação nacional sobre a população, a família e a habitação.

Aceda aos Resultados Definitivos:

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Data no

Blog com dados para trabalhos de visualização

Blog com dados para trabalhos de visualização

Connect with expert sources and join the discussion on Data Channels

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Fontes de dados do FlowingData

Uma lista de fontes de dados da FlowingData

Uma lista de fontes de dados da FlowingData

I gathered some resources a few years ago on where to find data. Some of the sites are dead now, but it should give you a good idea of where to get some spreadsheets and CSV files. If you’re lucky, you might find data sources in PDF format. Have fun with that.

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UCI Knowledge Discovery in Databases Archive

Arquivo de dados para data mining \ machine learning

Arquivo de dados para data mining \ machine learning

We currently maintain 235 data sets as a service to the machine learning community. You may view all data sets through our searchable interface. Our old web site is still available, for those who prefer the old format. For a general overview of the Repository, please visit our About page. For information about citing data sets in publications, please read our citation policy. If you wish to donate a data set, please consult our donation policy. For any other questions, feel free to contact the Repository librarians. We have also set up a mirror site for the Repository.

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Internet aumenta em Portugal

Dados sobre a utilização de internet em Portugal

Dados sobre a utilização de internet em Portugal

Os dados do Bareme Internet 2012 mostram como a penetração de Internet em Portugal é hoje dez vezes maior do que há 16 anos.


UK Economic and Social Data Service

Bom site com muitos dados oficiais do Reino Unido

Bom site com muitos dados oficiais do Reino Unido
