Zenodo – open data

Um bom repositório de open data. É necessário registo, mas não tem custos para utilizar os dados.


  • Scope: All fields of research. All types of research artifacts. Content must not violate privacy or copyright, or breach confidentiality or non-disclosure agreements for data collected from human subjects.
  • Status of research data: Any status is accepted, from any stage of the research lifecycle.
  • Eligible depositors: Anyone may register as user of Zenodo. All users are allowed to deposit content for which they possess the appropriate rights.
  • Ownership: By uploading content, no change of ownership is implied and no property rights are transferred to CERN. All uploaded content remains the property of the parties prior to submission.
  • Data file formats: All formats are allowed – even preservation unfriendly. We are working on guidelines and features that will help people deposit in preservation friendly formats.
  • Volume and size limitations: Total files size limit per record is 50GB. Higher quotas can be requested and granted on a case-by-case basis.
  • Data quality: All information is provided “as-is”, and the user shall hold Zenodo and information providers supplying data to Zenodo free and harmless in connection with the use of such information.
  • Metadata types and sources: All metadata is stored internally in JSON-format according to a defined JSON schema. Metadata is exported in several standard formats such as MARCXML, Dublin Core, and DataCite Metadata Schema (according to the OpenAIRE Guidelines).
  • Language: For textual items, English is preferred but all languages are accepted.
  • Licenses: Users must specify a license for all publicly available files. Licenses for closed access files may be specified in the description field.

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