Why Predictive Modelers Should be Suspicious of Statistical Tests

Um excelente exemplo de correlações espúrias

Um excelente exemplo de correlações espúrias

Well, the danger is really not the statistical test per se, it the interpretation of the statistical test.

Yesterday I tweeted (@deanabb) this fun factoid: “Redskins predict Romney wins POTUS #overfit. if Redskins lose home game before election => challenger wins (17/18) http://www.usatoday.com/story/gameon/2012/11/04/nfl-redskins-rule-romney/1681023/” I frankly had never heard of this “rule” before and found it quite striking. It even has its own Wikipedia page (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Redskins_Rule).

For those of us in the predictive analytics or data mining community, and those of us who use statistical tests to help out interpreting small data, 17/18 we know is a hugely significant finding. This can frequently be good: statistical tests will help us gain intuition about value of relationships in data even when they aren’t obvious.

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