Posted by Armando Brito Mendes | Filed under estatística, materiais para profissionais, visualização

Uma excelente visualização de dados interativa
Exploring the reach, frequency and impact of terrorism around the world
The data used in this tool comes from the Global Terrorism Database, the most comprehensive collection of terrorism data available.
GeographyThe 25 groups included here have been active in 73 countries on five continents. Of these, the country targeted by the most groups has been France: Al-Qa`ida, Basque Fatherland and Freedom, Hizballah, The IRA, and the Kurdistan Workers’ Party. The group with the greatest geographic spread is Hizballah, responsible for terrorism in 17 countries.
YearsOn average, these top 25 groups have been active almost 19 years (during this time frame), while all other groups have been active just over 2 years.
WoundedThe 25 groups listed here are responsible for 48% of all known wounded victims, with ISIS being responsible for the most wounded (10,585). However, Al-Qa`ida is more effective, wounding 230 per event on average.
KilledOf the total verified fatalities, over half (83,896, or 56%) are attributed to the 25 groups listed here. The greatest number of deaths by these groups, 6,857, happened in 2013.
Tags: belo, Estat Descritiva
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August 28th, 2014
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