Visualization archives on FlowingData

Os arquivos de artigos sobre visualização de dados

Os arquivos de artigos sobre visualização de dados

Download data from a site of interest and learn all you can about it. Analyze, try to answer your own curiosities, and of course, visualize it. Try to apply what you’ve learned from the books and tutorials to your own data. And I’m not gonna lie: It might be rough at first and maybe frustrating, but you’ll get there.

I gathered some resources a few years ago on where to find data. Some of the sites are dead now, but it should give you a good idea of where to get some spreadsheets and CSV files. If you’re lucky, you might find data sources in PDF format. Have fun with that.

After that, download R, mess around with a trial version of Tableau, get your Data-Driven Documents on, or even try to push Excel to the limit.

If you’re still not sure where to begin, find a visualization you like and try to reproduce it. If it’s a good one, you’ll probably discover that making the graphic is a lot harder than you expected. Totally normal. The FlowingData archive provides plenty of examples.

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