glossário inglês-português

Glossário Inglês-Português de Estatística

Excelente Obra para Consulta

No fim de 2006 constituiu-se no seio da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística (doravante, SPE) a Comissão Especializada de Nomenclatura Estatística (CENE), com o objetivo de organizar um glossário inglês-português de Estatística que pudesse servir de guia normativo na expressão oral e escrita em língua portuguesa do vocabulário estatístico

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Free project collaboration tools that rock

Boas ferramentas de colaboração em projetos

Boas ferramentas de colaboração em projetos

  • Cohuman is Mindjet’s unique social task-based solution that promotes collaboration and teamwork;
  • Asana is a blazingly fast collaborative task list that supports multiple projects with up to 30 users.
  • Trello is a collaboration tool that uses boards and cards to manage a project.

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Os 7 pecados do data mining

Muito boa apresentação numa conferência da SAS

Muito boa apresentação numa conferência da SAS: Os pecados e respetivas soluções.

M2010 Richard De Veaux

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Bom software para alindar a discrição das tarefas

Bom software para alindar a discrição das tarefas

PERT Chart EXPERT is a Windows-based project management software application that is used to create PERT charts (also known as Network Charts, Precedence Diagrams and Logic Diagrams). A PERT chart displays the tasks in a project along with the dependencies between these tasks. Using a PERT chart is a great way to define and display the dependency relationships that exist between tasks. The order in which tasks occur is an important part of project planning and PERT Chart EXPERT simplifies the process of creating dependencies and displaying dependencies in an easy to follow diagram.


MS Solver Foundation

Bom software para otimização em Excel

Bom software para otimização em Excel

Microsoft Solver Foundation

Solver Foundation makes it easier to build and solve real optimization models. Solver Foundation includes a declarative modeling language (OML) for specifying optimization models; a .NET API and runtime (Solver Foundation Services) for model creation, reporting, and analysis; and powerful built-in solvers. Key features include:

  • Modeling and solving scenarios by using constraints, goals, and data.
  • Programming in the Optimization Modeling Language (OML), in C# imperatively, in F# functionally, or in any .NET language.
  • Built-in solvers for commonly encountered model types.
  • Integration with popular solvers such as Gurobi, Ziena Knitro, Frontline Solver Platform SDK™, Mosek™, FICO™ Xpress, LINDO, and lp_solve.
  • Interfaces to familiar tools such as Microsoft Office Excel and SharePoint to create and solve models.

Microsoft Solver Foundation is a .NET solution for mathematical optimization and modeling. Solver Foundation makes it easier to build and solve real-world optimization models by providing a .NET API and runtime for model creation, reporting, and analysis; a declarative language (OML) for model specification; and powerful built-in solvers.

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ISO 9000 & 9001 gestão de projetos

Descrição da norma 9000 e 9001

Descrição da norma 9000 e 9001

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See effect of dependent risk by using a decision tree

Uso de cenários e árvores de decisão no cálculo de Risco

Uso de cenários e árvores de decisão no cálculo de Risco

By Tom Mochal
July 29, 2008, 3:48 PM PDT

Takeaway: Certain risks may only appear as a result of actions taken as a result of managing another risk. Project management expert Tom Mochal says that is when you want to use a decision tree.


@RISK Free Live Webcast and Archive

Montes de Webcasts de utilização do @RISK

Montes de Webcasts de utilização do @RISK

Introduction to Risk & Decision Analysis using @RISK

Use of @RISK for Quantifying Uncertainty in Innovation Project Management

The Use of @RISK and Economic Value Added in Business Valuation

Better Managing of Product Pricing

Intuitive Project Management Techniques for @RISK for Project

Probabilistic Project Estimation Using Monte Carlo Simulation

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@RISK for Project Tutorial Movies

Videos sobre o funcionamento do @RISK for Project

Videos sobre o funcionamento do @RISK for Project

    1. @RISK Toolbar
    2. Defining @RISK Functions
    3. @RISK Functions
      for a Set of Fields
    4. Editing Distributions
    5. Distribution Fitting
      (Pro version only)
    6. Defining Outputs
    1. Simulation Settings
    2. Simulation Statistics
      and Data
    3. Stepping Through
      a Simulation
    1. Histograms and Cumulative Graphs
    2. Overlay and Summary Graphs
    3. Sensitivity and Scenario Analysis
    4. Reporting in Excel
    5. Reporting in Project
    1. Correlating Inputs
    2. Multiple Simulations
    3. Critical Indices
    4. Risk Categories
    1. Probabilistic Branching
    2. If/Then Conditional Modeling
    3. Probabilistic Calendars
    4. Global Variables
    5. Field References in Distribution Arguments
    6. Parameter Entry Table

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Program Evaluation and Review Technique

Bom texto sobre o método PERT

Bom texto sobre o método PERT
