4 Faces of Big Data

Bom texto sobre os vários aspetos a considerar no Big-Data

Bom texto sobre os vários aspetos a considerar no Big-Data

The 4 Faces of Big Data Challenges You just Can’t Ignore

Date: October 20, 2013 Author: Varoon Rajani
Business Decision makers everywhere yearn for the right information that would help them make informed decisions.

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processos do PMBOK 5

Folha de cálculo com todos os processos sugeridos pelo PMBOK v5

Folha de cálculo com todos os processos sugeridos pelo PMBOK v5


Nova versão da planilha com as entradas e saídas detalhadas dos 47 processos do Guia PMBOK® 5a Ed.


Habilidades essenciais do Gerente de Projetos

Bons conselhos para gestores de projetos

Bons conselhos para gestores de projetos

Confira quais as principais características que o gerente de projetos tem que ter para se sair bem nesse papel

Por ser uma área relativamente nova na cultura empresarial brasileira e na área educacional, a gestão de projetos é um papel assumido por profissionais com formações diversas. Tem gerente de projetos engenheiro, administrador, publicitário, arquiteto, analista de sistemas, entre outras graduações. Mas qual é a verdadeira formação essencial ao Gerente de Projetos?


Resultados do census de 2011

Resultados do censos de 2011

Resultados do censos de 2011

A maior fonte de informação nacional sobre a população, a família e a habitação.

Aceda aos Resultados Definitivos:

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Paddy – design a multi-stage survey

Jogo sério para desenho de inquéritos

Jogo sério para desenho de inquéritos

This game is a rice survey based on an actual survey carried out in Sri Lanka. In a small district there are 10 villages with a total of 160 farmers who each have one field in which to grow rice. A census of the area has been undertaken and the acreage cultivated by each farmer is known. There is now to be a crop cuttin survey whose main aim is to estimate the mean yield of rice per acre and hence the total production of rice in the district. The survey will also be used to investigate the use of fertilisers and the different varieties of rice used in the district.

The resources available allow for 30 plots to be sampled. The plots to be harvested are 1/80 acre but the yields are recorded in bushels per acre. Students use a multistage sampling scheme. For example:

  1. Select x villages
  2. From each village choose y fields
  3. Select z plots from each field

The game consists of 10 boxes each containing a number of envelopes, which themselves contain a number of slips of paper. The boxes represent a village so students select the boxes corresponding to their chosen villages. They open the boxes and select the envelopes labelled with their chosen field number. Information on the size of the field, the variety of rice used and the amount of fertiliser applied is also displayed on the envelope label. Finally, they select the slip of paper labelled with their chosen plot number and record the yield.

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To the Woods – a detailed comparison of Sampling methods

Simulação para aprender amostragem simples e estratificada

Simulação para aprender amostragem simples e estratificada

To the Woods – a detailed comparison of Simple Random Sampling and Stratified Sampling

In this game the aim is to conduct a small survey to estimate the total number of trees in a forest and the proportion of large trees. A tree is considered ‘large’ if its diameter at breast height (DBH) is greater than 30cm. The area of forest from which the sample is to be taken is divided into two regions (‘East’ and ‘West’) by a river. Within each region it is possible to count the number of trees in any 50m x 50m plot. There are 168 plots in total – 96 to the West of the river and 72 to the East.

There are two alternative sampling solutions. Students take a sample of 14 plots and can either use simple random sampling or stratified sampling to choose them. They record the number of small trees, the number of large trees and the total number of trees for each of the 14 observations.

The game consists of 168 small pieces of card, which represent the plots, slipped into slits in a large piece of card representing the forest. A river can be drawn on the large piece of card to divide the forest into two regions. One side is labelled ‘West’ and the other ‘East’. The protruding sections of the plots are labelled with their region side (West or East) and plot number (1 to 96 and 1 to 72, respectively). The student pulls out the chosen plots and records the numbers of large and small trees, which is printed on the lower section of the plot.

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Tomato – jogo para aprender plano experimental

Software de simulação para perceber o desenho experimental

Software de simulação para perceber o desenho experimental

Tomato – a game to help understand the issues involved in experimental design

Tomato simulates an experiment to test the effect of different factors on the yield of tomatoes grown in a greenhouse. Students simulate the conduct of an experiment starting from the discussion of the appropriate design up to the conclusions. There are three factors (variety, heat, light), each at two levels (Coward/Doger, Standard/Supplementary, Standard/Supplementary). Students have to allocate the eight treatments to the 12 plots in the greenhouse. They are asked to take account of the different sides (North/South) of the greenhouse when allocating the treatments, which introduces a blocking factor. A second blocking factor, year, has also been built into the model; the experiment can be run over two years, resulting in two seasons of the crop. The players can decide which treatments to apply in the first year and use the results to determine which treatments to apply in the second year. Alternatively, they may choose to design the scheme for both years at the start. This means that the game incorporates blocking and the possibility of using unbalanced designs. It also introduces the factorial structure of the treatments.

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planear não é pilotar o Project

Interessante texto sobre o q significa planear

Interessante texto sobre o q significa planear

Planejar não é pilotar o Project (ou qualquer outro software de planejamento)… atualmente há diversos softwares de planejamento, com diferentes níveis de detalhes e possibilidades. Aprender a utilizar estes softwares não é tão difícil (pelo menos o básico), porém é preciso entender que estes softwares são uma ferramenta de planejamento, não são O Planejamento.

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where others talk like you do

Uso de algorimtos de visinho mais próximo para visualizar semelhanças

Uso de algorimtos de visinho mais próximo para visualizar semelhanças

North Carolina State statistics graduate student Joshua Katz already mapped dialect across the United States, and now there’s a fun addition in quiz form. Answer the 25-question survey (or the more detailed 140-question version if you dare), and you get a map of language similarity. More specifically, the result maps shows the probability that someone in that area understands what you’re saying.

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Excel: Esconder valores duplicados

Tip para esconder valores repetidos usando formatação condicional

Tip para esconder valores repetidos usando formatação condicional

Duplicate values aren’t wrong or bad, but they can be distracting. You probably won’t want to delete them, but you might just want to hide them. For example, the simple sheet below repeats date values in column A. In a reporting scenario, those duplicate dates might be annoying.

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