Quality of Life: Measurement and methodology

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Alguma informação sobre a qualidade de vida na inglaterra

I have recently been making extensive revisions in the area of Subjective Social Indicators and it now makes more sense to split the page into three sections.  Previous contents of his page have now been spread across several new pages.

Quality of Life: Measurement and methodology
There has been intense  (often polemical) debate over the years on methodology and measurement of  the concept “Quality of Life” and there is a variety of working definitions deriving from diverse academic disciplines and political perspectives.  This page lists sources of philosophical and disciplinary arguments for and against quantitative research on subjective social indicators.

Measures of psychological well-being
This page will list scales to measure psychological well-being, tried and tested in the field on general populations.  Scales tested on students will not be listed, unless they have also been used on general populations.  See also:

SSRC Survey Unit Quality of Life in Britain surveys 1971 – 1975
Summary information and detailed abstracts on all “Quality of Life in Britain” surveys conducted at the SSRC Survey Unit between 1971 and 1975 by Mark Abrams and John Hall. (Variables, fieldwork, sampling, facsimile questionnaires, user-manuals, data sets, publications.)


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