Probability and statistics EBook

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Um bom ebook com boas animações

SOCR Books: This is a General Statistics Curriculum E-Book, which includes Advanced-Placement (AP) materials.


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Seeing Statistics

clique na imagem para seguir o linkUma excelente maneira de aprender estatística com um webBook dinâmico e muito visual

Seeing Statistics ® is a new approach to teaching statistics using the World Wide Web. This webbook is based on three premises:

  • The important principles of statistics are remarkably easy if they can be seen.
  • Active involvement of the student facilitates learning.
  • Statistics can be fun!

Most of the graphs and figures in this textbook are dynamic and under the  control of the reader. Interacting with the graphs allows you to see the important statistical principles in action.

Rather than talk about it, it is best to view Seeing Statistics in action. To access Seeing Statistics, click on the “Enter Seeing Statistics” button to begin your exploration of Seeing Statistics!

Table of Contents
0. Introduction

1. Data & Comparisons

2. Seeing Data

3. Describing the Center

4. Describing the Spread

5. Seeing Data, Again

6. Probability

7. Normal Distribution
7. Outline

7.0 Introduction

7.1 Origins of Normal

7.2 Size and Shape

7.3 Working with the Normal

7.4 Means have Normal Distributions

7.5 Evaluating Normality (optional)

7.6 Review

7.7 Exercises

8. Inference & Confidence

9. One-Sample Comparisons

10. Two-Sample Comparisons

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Um bom livro on-line com apps e muito mais…

SURFSTAT australia
This site has already benefited from the contributions of many people. Please do your bit and let us know of errors, missing topics or things you think could be better explained.

Detailed contents
An introduction to Statistics

Hotlist for Java applets

Other Statistics sites

Sales and support
Funding acknowledgements

Summarising & Presenting Data

Producing Data

Variation and Probability

Statistical Inference

Control Charts

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Rice Virtual Lab in Statistics Demos

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Pequenas apps em java para demonstrar diferentes temas em estatística

Mean and Median

Sampling Distribution Simulation

Confidence Intervals

Normal Approximation to the Binomial Distribution

Confidence Interval on a Proportion

Components of r

Regression by Eye

Restriction of Range

Repeated Measures

A “Small” Effect Size Can Make a Large Difference

Chi Square Test of Deviations from Expected Frequencies

2 x 2 Contingency Tables

Reliability and Regression Analysis

Histograms, Bin Widths, and Cross Validation


Regression to the mean

Comparing distributions

Unequal n ANOVA and Types of Sums of Squares

Robustness of t test and ANOVA

One-way ANOVA

Two-way ANOVA


Chance Lecture Video Series

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Bons vídeos ainda q antigos de alguns temas em probabilidade e estatística

This page has links to:

  • 2000 Chance Lecture Video Series
  • 1998 Chance Lecture Video Series
  • 1997 Chance Lecture Video Series
  • Chance Workshop Video Lectures
  • Other Videos
  • Audios
  • The talks featured below require the latest version of the Realplayer software. More particularly, they require that the “Realplayer plug-in” be installed in the plug-ins folder of your browser. If you do not have the “Realplayer plug-in,” a free version of Realplayer (which includes the plug-in) is available here

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    Ternary Diagrams Using R

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    Exemplo de criação de diagramas ternários no R

    Ternary Diagrams Using R:  An Example Using Election Outcomes

    A tutorial by D. M. Wiig

    In part one of this tutorial I discussed creating a ternary diagram using a simple data frame that contained five hypothetical cases. In this tutorial I will expand on that foundation by creating a more informative ternary diagram using live data.

    A useful application of this package in social science research is creating a visual display of parliamentary election outcomes. Specifically we can use a ternary graph to examine the distribution of seats in the British House of Commons over a period of time. Since the UK uses a proportional system to allocate seats in the House of Commons there can be a variety of outcomes in any given national election.

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    KNIME Update Site

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    Formas alternativas de instalar novos nós no KNIME

    Download KNIME Features using the KNIME Update Site

    Additional KNIME plug-ins can be obtained via the KNIME update site which contains additional nodes/functionality for the KNIME workbench:

    Alternatively, the KNIME update sites can be downloaded as a zip file:

    The  KNIME Analytics Platform as well as all other KNIME products are linked automatically to the KNIME Update Site through the File menu via the “Install KNIME Extensions” command. We recommend using this command to access the KNIME Update Site.

    If you are using KNIME SDK, a pre-existing Eclipse installation, or are working in an environment with limited internet access, another option for installing KNIME extensions is available.  To access this additional dialog use the Help -> Install New Software command.  This tool has a different interface that allows update sites to be manually specified.  Clicking on “Add…” button (illustrated below) will allow you to either manually specify the url of the KNIME Update Site or use the offline (.zip) version of the Update Site to customize your KNIME installation.

    Note: It is important not to unzip the archived KNIME Update Site file prior to specifying it as an update source for KNIME.

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    Statistical Atlas

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    Um projeto em curso que pretende criar mapas temáticos de todos os dados existentes nos EUA, ambicioso, não?

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    Real Chart Rules to Follow

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    Excelente guia sobre construção de gráficos para representar dados.

    There are a lot of “rules” for visualization. Some are actual rules, and some are suggestions to help you make choices. Many of the former can be broken, if that’s what the data dictates and you know what you’re doing.

    But, there are rules—usually for specific chart types meant to be read in a specific way and with few exceptions—that you shouldn’t break. When they are, everyone loses. This is that small handful.

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