Ruth Ripley’s R page

Muito material para ensino do R

Muito material para ensino do R

I teach two courses on programming in R. Slides etc for the (shared) lectures are here and extra resources for the M.Sc course are here.


Statistics: Your chance for happiness (or misery)

Bom artigo sobre a estatística como carreira com futuro

Bom artigo sobre a estatística como carreira com futuro

1.  “I keep saying the sexy job in the next ten years will be statisticians.”

2.  “AP Statistics was the most boring course I took in high school!”

3. “Honey, I know you are in excruciating pain, but which treatment do you want?”

4.  “The best thing about being a statistician is that you get to play in everyone’s backyard.”



montes de vídeos sobre imensos temas

montes de vídeos sobre imensos temas

VideoLectures.NET is a free and open access educational video lectures repository. The lectures are given by distinguished scholars and scientists at the most important and prominent events like conferences, summer schools, workshops and science promotional events from many fields of Science. All lectures, accompanying documents, information and links are systematically selected and classified through the editorial process taking into account also users’ comments.

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Tools for Decision Analysis

Teoria de Decisão

Teoria de Decisão

  1. Introduction & Summary
  2. Probabilistic Modeling: From Data to a Decisive Knowledge
  3. Decision Analysis: Making Justifiable, Defensible Decisions
  4. Elements of Decision Analysis Models
  5. Decision Making Under Pure Uncertainty: Materials are presented in the context of Financial Portfolio Selections.
  6. Limitations of Decision Making under Pure Uncertainty
  7. Coping with Uncertainties
  8. Decision Making Under Risk: Presentation is in the context of Financial Portfolio Selections under risk.
  9. Making a Better Decision by Buying Reliable Information: Applications are drawn from Marketing a New Product.
  10. Decision Tree and Influence Diagram
  11. Why Managers Seek the Advice From Consulting Firms
  12. Revising Your Expectation and its Risk
  13. Determination of the Decision-Maker’s Utility
  14. Utility Function Representations with Applications
  15. A Classification of Decision Maker’s Relative Attitudes Toward Risk and Its Impact
  16. The Discovery and Management of Losses
  17. Risk: The Four Letters Word
  18. Decision’s Factors-Prioritization & Stability Analysis
  19. Optimal Decision Making Process
  20. JavaScript E-labs Learning Objects
  21. A Critical Panoramic View of Classical Decision Analysis
  22. Exercise Your Knowledge to Enhance What You Have Learned (PDF)
  23. Appendex: A Collection of Keywords and Phrases


Time Series Data Library

dados para séries

dados para séries

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Linear Regression Datasets

dados para regressão linear

dados para regressão linear

Site com dados para teste de algoritmos de regressão.


inquérito fácil

inquérito fácil logo

inquérito fácil logo

Bom site para construir e publicar inquéritos, gratuito até 100 respostas. é a ferramenta web de pesquisas online nº 1 na Europa e América Latina. Permite aos usuários elaborar por si mesmos, de uma forma rápida e simples, pesquisas internas e externas que auxiliem na tomada de decisões. A permite obter informação em tempo recorde e com uma aplicação mínima de recursos.


Tuturiais Video Linguagem R

videosRA series of R for Statistical Programming screencasts that show you how to use R for Statistical Programming for text mining. R for Statistical Programming data mining, text mining, R for Statistical Programming, neural network, classification, clustering, R for Statistical Programming tutorial, R for Statistical Programming video, knowledge explorer, sentiment mining.


Statistics Video Tutorials

videos Stats

videos Stats

Helpful video tutorials on basic statistic.
Alguns podem não funcionar.

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Weka Video Tutorials

videos Weka

videos Weka

This videos contains many answers that many people asked about.
Alguns não estão a funcionar.

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