Posted by Armando Brito Mendes | Filed under data sets, estatística, materiais para profissionais

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Dados de um questionário a 50 professores londrinos.
A study of values and attitudes among fifth formers in a North London comprehensive school.
This survey of teenage attitudes and opinions in a North London comprehensive school (11-18 mixed) was designed and conducted, under my guidance and supervision, by three of my sophomore students as part of their group research dissertation for BA Applied Social Studies (Social Research) at the Polytechnic of North London (PNL, now part of London Metropolitan University). . It aimed to discover something about pupils’ future expectations and awareness of, and attitudes towards, various current social issues and problems, particularly racism and sexism. It replicates various items and scales from other work (Wilson-Patterson, Eysenck, Himmelweit, Srole-Christie) particularly the St Paul’s Girls senior pupils study (Feb 1973) some of which were also used in the SSRC Survey Unit Quality of Life surveys 1971-75.
The self-completion questionnaire was completed in December 1981 by all fifth form pupils present on the day of the survey (N=142). It was administered during time-tabled Social Studies classes and, time permitting, was followed by discussion with class teachers and the PNL students of the issues covered in the survey.
Given the particularly high quality of this project, a user manual was prepared by John Hall and Alison Walker for use with the postgraduate Survey Analysis Workshop and the undergraduate course Data Management and Analysis. It serves as model documentation for similar small survey projects.
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July 20th, 2017
Posted by Armando Brito Mendes | Filed under data sets, estatística, materiais ensino

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Alguma informação sobre a qualidade de vida na inglaterra
I have recently been making extensive revisions in the area of Subjective Social Indicators and it now makes more sense to split the page into three sections. Previous contents of his page have now been spread across several new pages.
Quality of Life: Measurement and methodology
There has been intense (often polemical) debate over the years on methodology and measurement of the concept “Quality of Life” and there is a variety of working definitions deriving from diverse academic disciplines and political perspectives. This page lists sources of philosophical and disciplinary arguments for and against quantitative research on subjective social indicators.
Measures of psychological well-being
This page will list scales to measure psychological well-being, tried and tested in the field on general populations. Scales tested on students will not be listed, unless they have also been used on general populations. See also:
SSRC Survey Unit Quality of Life in Britain surveys 1971 – 1975
Summary information and detailed abstracts on all “Quality of Life in Britain” surveys conducted at the SSRC Survey Unit between 1971 and 1975 by Mark Abrams and John Hall. (Variables, fieldwork, sampling, facsimile questionnaires, user-manuals, data sets, publications.)
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July 4th, 2017
Posted by Armando Brito Mendes | Filed under data sets, estatística, materiais ensino, software

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Bom site com vários recursos sobre a utilização do IBM SPSS
Catalogue of SPSS tutorials is an Excel *.xlms file containing a full listing (with hyperlinks) of all tutorial files.[may not be completely up-to-date]
Guide to pop-out menus shows all the screenshots for menus and sub-menus for Survey Analysis Workshop [may not be completely up-to-date and site has been re-organised, so needs a re-write, but still useful to show you what to expect]
There are more than 600 pages of downloadable tutorials arranged in four blocks.
Block 1: From questionnaire to SPSS saved file
1.1: The language of survey analysis
1.2: How do data relate to questionnaires?
1.3: Reading raw data into SPSS
1.4: Completing your data dictionary
1.5: Utilities [still in preparation]
Block 2: Analysing one variable
2.1: Nominal and ordinal variables
2.2: Interval scale variables
2.3: Data transformations
Block 3: Analysing two variables (and sometimes three)
3.1 Contingency tables
3.2 Three variables
3.3 Multiple response
3.4 Comparing means
3.5: Conditional transformations
Block 4: Hypothesis testing
[Still in preparation: provisional contents listed below: page also has links to some useful resources for statistical concepts]
Hypothesis testing
4.2a t-test and one way anova
4.2b Testing differences between three or more means
4.3 Chi-square (has one tutorial)
4.4 Regression and correlation
4.5 Association, structure and cause
SPSS files and documentation used for tutorials and exercises
Tags: análise de dados, IBM SPSS Statistics, inquéritos, software estatístico
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June 27th, 2017
Posted by Armando Brito Mendes | Filed under data sets, estatística

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Bons conjunto de dados e explicações de como usar.
1: Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind: working with alien SPSS files
Data sets explored
• European Quality of Life Survey (2007)
• Understanding Society (2010)
• ONS Opinions Survey, Well‐Being Modules (2011)
(including unrestricted access data set for April 2011).
• NORC General Social Survey (GSS) (2008)
• British Social Attitudes (2011)
• British Social Attitudes (2004)
European Quality of Life Survey
European Quality of Life Survey (UKDS: 6299)
Understanding Society
Understanding Society (UKDS: SN 6614)
Commentary on Understanding Society 2010 (JFH)
ONS Opinions Survey, Well‐Being Modules
(including unrestricted access data set for April 2011)
Measuring National Well-being (ONS website)
Well‐Being Modules April-Sep 2011 (UKDS: SN6893)
Unrestricted Access Teaching Dataset (UKDS: SN 7146)
Introduction and Commentary: Unrestricted Access Teaching Dataset (JFH)
NORC General Social Survey (GSS)
1: Commentary on full NORC General Social Survey 2008
2: (Book) Sweet & Grace-Martin
Data Analysis with SPSS: A First Course in Applied Statistics (Pearson 2010)
(can be rented as e-book from CourseSmart)
Commentary on subset of General Social Survey 2008
3: (Book) Babbie, Halley, Wagner & Zaino
Adventures in Social Research: Data Analysis Using IBM SPSS Statistics (Sage 2103)
Commentary on GSS 2008 SPSS files for Babbie et al
British Social Attitudes (2011)
British Social Attitudes 2011 (UKDS: SN 7237)
Commentary on SPSS file for British Social Attitudes 2011 (JFH)
British Social Attitudes (2004)
(Book) Marsh & Elliott Exploring Data (Polity Press, 2008)
Review of Exploring Data (JFH)
Exploring Data Teaching Datasets (UKDS: SN 6096)
Commentary on SPSS files in Teaching Datasets (JFH)
European Social Survey (2002)
Notes on SPSS files for European Social Survey 2002
(private exchange between JFH and ESS team)
Tags: IBM SPSS Statistics
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June 19th, 2017
Posted by Armando Brito Mendes | Filed under data sets

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alguns dados q podem ser utilizados em trabalhos
Welcome to the
IFCS Cluster Benchmark Data Repository
The aim of this Repository is to stimulate better practice in benchmarking (performance comparison of methods) for cluster analysis by providing a variety of well documented high quality datasets and simulation routines for use in practical benchmarking.
The repository collects datasets with and without given “true” clusterings. A particular feature of the repository is that every dataset comes with a comprehensive documentation, including information on the specific nature of the clustering problem in this dataset and the characteristics that useful clusters should fulfill, with scientific justification.
Note: Up to May 15, 2017 a data set may be analyzed within the framework of a challenge! More information on this challenge is available here.
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May 8th, 2017
Posted by Armando Brito Mendes | Filed under data sets

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Boa fonte de dados para trabalhos
O que é o Portal de Dados?
Gostaria de aceder facilmente aos dados da UE? Pretende reutilizar os dados para, por exemplo, realizar um trabalho de investigação, redigir um artigo ou desenvolver uma aplicação ?
Então está no sítio certo. O Portal de Dados Abertos da UE serve de ponto de acesso único a um número crescente de dados produzidos pelas instituições e outros organismos da União Europeia.
Pode utilizar e reutilizar os dados, criar ligações para os mesmos ou redistribuí los para fins comerciais e não comerciais.
Tags: análise de dados, open data
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June 9th, 2016
Posted by Armando Brito Mendes | Filed under data sets, estatística

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Bom site com muitos data sets de grande dimensão. Assuntos relacionados com censos e inquéritos.
Explore the UK’s largest collection of social, economic and population data resources.
Data types
See more
Tags: big data, data mining, inquéritos
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April 19th, 2016
Posted by Armando Brito Mendes | Filed under data sets, estatística

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Alguns links para páginas com dados sobre desportos
Links listed below were collected to help students and instructors find current and archived sports data.
Send ideas for additional links to add to Robin Lock at .
Data from Current and Past Seasons
Horse Racing
Kentucky Derby Data on races since 1875.
Major League Baseball
Major League Baseball Statistics – Current sortable statistics in lots of categories.
USA Today – Stats for individuals from 1992.
Baseball Reference – lookup extensive stats for current and former players.
National Hockey League
NHLPA – A very well-organized site sponsored by the NHL Player’s Association. Find individual regular season and playoff stats for all players (and salaries), with links to each player’s bio and career stats. – Current player and team statistics.
NCAA College Hockey
National Football League
Current NFL Team & Player Stats from the official NFL website.
Sortable Player Stats at CBS Sportsline
NFL Statistics at USA Today Current season’s data.
National Basketball Association
Doug’s NBA Statistics – Team and individual data going back to 1988 with raw data in convenient downloadable spreadsheets.
Professional Golf
- PGA Tour – Individual statistics for golfers on the PGA, Senior PGA, or Nike tours. Click on the Stats option for rankings within lots of categories or the Players option to sample from current professional golfers..
Game Boxscores
Tags: data mining, open data
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January 2nd, 2016
Posted by Armando Brito Mendes | Filed under data sets, estatística, materiais para profissionais

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Estatísticas oficiais dos EUA
Tags: data mining, open data
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January 2nd, 2016
Posted by Armando Brito Mendes | Filed under data sets, estatística, lições

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Conjuntos de dados usados numa cadeira com um projeto semelhante a P&E
Here are some of the links to data found by students for projects in Robin Lock’s courses at St. Lawrence University
Note: Some links may no longer be current.
Non-Sports Themes
Sports Themes (Note: Data may change as new seasons occur)
Tags: data mining, open data
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January 2nd, 2016