Playground to Politics

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Dados de um questionário a 50 professores londrinos.

A study of values and attitudes among fifth formers in a North London comprehensive school.

This survey of teenage attitudes and opinions in a North London comprehensive school (11-18 mixed) was designed and conducted, under my guidance and supervision, by three of my sophomore students as part of their group research dissertation for BA Applied Social Studies (Social Research) at the Polytechnic of North London (PNL, now part of London Metropolitan University).  . It aimed to discover something about pupils’ future expectations and awareness of, and attitudes towards, various current social issues and problems, particularly racism and sexism. It replicates various items and scales from other work (Wilson-Patterson, Eysenck, Himmelweit, Srole-Christie) particularly the St Paul’s Girls senior pupils study (Feb 1973) some of which were also used in the SSRC Survey Unit Quality of Life surveys 1971-75.

The self-completion questionnaire was completed in December 1981 by all fifth form pupils present on the day of the survey (N=142).  It was administered during time-tabled Social Studies classes and, time permitting, was followed by discussion with class teachers and the PNL students of the issues covered in the survey.

Given the particularly high quality of this project, a user manual was prepared by John Hall and Alison Walker for use with the postgraduate Survey Analysis Workshop and the undergraduate course Data Management and Analysis. It serves as model documentation for similar small survey projects.


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