British Social Attitudes

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Dados de um inquérito britânico sobre atitudes sociais

The British Social Attitudes survey is the leading social research survey in Britain. Since 1983, the annual surveys
conducted by the National Centre for Social Research (Natcen) have continually monitored and interpreted the British public’s changing attitudes towards social, economic, political and moral issues. Its findings are reported
and interpreted in a series of annual reports.

The  British Social Attitudes Information System is maintained by the Centre for Comparative European
Survey Data (CCESD) to provide non-specialist users with on-line access and analysis of a cumulative database of over 20,000 survey questions asked in British Social Attitudes surveys over the last 25 years.
Data and documentation from all surveys from 1983 are routinely deposited with the UK Data Service (UKDS) based at Essex University and can be searched on their page  British Social Attitudes Survey .  Files are accessible from UKDS: the list of currently available waves is on British Social Attitudes links 1983 onwards.  I am currently working on tutorials using data from the 2011 wave and from the 2009 to 2014 waves in the cumulative file.   Some of these are already available on page 3.2 Three (or more) variables and in 4.2.1  Income differences – Statistical significance

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