Switching Jobs

Bons gráficos, bastante originais…

When people move to different jobs, here’s where they go.

By Nathan Yau

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Uma boa estória com excelentes gráficos

By Giorgia Lupi

Ms. Lupi is an information designer who has been experiencing symptoms of long Covid for over three years.

Dec. 14, 2023

Every morning, I wake up in my Brooklyn apartment, and for two seconds, I can remember the old me. The me without pain, the me with energy, the me who could do whatever she wanted.

Then I’m shoved back into my new reality. As I fully come into consciousness, I feel dizzy, faint and nauseated. Pain pulses throughout my body, and my limbs feel simultaneously as heavy as concrete and weak as jelly. It feels as if a machine were squeezing my skull, and extreme exhaustion overtakes me.

These sensations have been a daily occurrence, with few exceptions, for the past three years and nine months. In the morning my boyfriend will be the one making coffee for us. He will run all of our errands. He will cook and clean. He now does all the things I used to do, the things I can’t do anymore.

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Young Money

Bons gráficos de áreas

The jobs of young people with higher incomes and what they studied

By Nathan Yau

Income tends to increase with age, because more work experience and education tends to lead to higher paying jobs. However, young people can also earn higher incomes. Using data from the most recent 2022 American Community Survey, let’s see what those people studied and what they do for a living.

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100 visualizations from one simple dataset

Montes de visualizações para uma tabela de dados com duas linhas e 3 colunas

Can we come up with 100 visualizations from one simple dataset?

As an information design agency working with data visualization every day, we challenged ourselves to accomplish this using insightful and visually appealing visualizations.

We wanted to show the diversity and complexity of data visualization and how we can tell different stories using limited visual properties and assets.

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Over 18,000 annual ER visits linked to Christmas decor incidents

Bons exemplos de gráficos de linhas

Every year, around 18,400 people[1] visit emergency rooms because of accidents with Christmas decorations. The peak day for these mishaps is usually the Sunday after Thanksgiving, when an annual average of 660 people seek medical attention for their injuries.

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How to get started with data visualization

Um excelente texto sobre como se tornar um bom artista de visualizações de dados

Sometimes, I get emails asking me “how to get started in data visualization.” Maybe you’re one of the people wondering about that. Maybe you found a book full of data vis in a bookstore, followed somebody who makes data vis on social media, noticed that you love playing with the “charts” feature in Excel, or just really like these data visualizations that newsrooms are creating.

And now you want to create them yourself but don’t know where to get started.

This article tries to give some very practical advice on your next steps. If you ask ten people for that advice, you’ll likely get ten different answers. This is mine:

1 Find out what you like about data visualizations
Don’t worry too much about data or tools
Start to visualize data
Get better at visualizing data

It’s based on the experiences I’ve had and what’s worked for me. I hope some of these ideas will help you to find your own path.

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Attitudes towards tipping in the U.S.

um exemplo de utilização de pirâmide de idades (com barras acumuladas) noutro contexto

Tipping seems to be in a confusing spot right now. On the one hand, customers want to support workers, but on the other, tip suggestions seem to be rising towards uncomfortable rates and in places where people don’t usually tip. Pew Research surveyed 12,000 U.S. adults to see how we’re all feeling about the current state of tipping.

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Most Common Jobs, by Income Group

Um gráfico de medianas com bolhas

By Nathan Yau

What jobs typically pay over $200,000 in annual salary? What about jobs that pay at least six-figure incomes? These are income ranges for the ten most common jobs at different income levels.

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The collapse of insects

Informações interessantes apresentadas sobre a forma de estória com gráficos originais como o gráfico circular das espécies

The most diverse group of organisms on the planet are in trouble, with recent research suggesting insect populations are declining at an unprecedented rate.

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More pets than children in Taiwan

boa estória com gráficos e animações excelentes

In 2018, Taiwan officially became an “aged society,” a label reserved for populations where 15-20% are 65 years or older. But that’s only the beginning. Taiwan’s on track to reach “super-aged society” status around 2025—that’s when the share of folks 65 or older goes over 20%. This rapid demographic shift makes Taiwan one of the fastest aging countries in the world, the social and economic implications of which will need careful planning and strategic policy to address.

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